

Oliver Schweikard's personal website.

Life story and free e-books avalible.



Oliver Schweikard was born in Germany. He's military expert, programmer and newsreporter. In 1992 he moved to Bosnia and Herzegovina as news reporter. In that period Oliver was wounded and captured by enemy forces. In his captivity he learned Bosnian language.

Fourteen months after captivity he managed to escape and join to Army of Republic Bosnia and Herzegovina. In his period of service Oliver was one of prominent fighters.

Unfortunately his book wasn't allowed to be published in Germany because of dirty campaign of one TV channels.

In 2012 he came back to Bosnia and Herzegovina where he lives as former fighter without any benefits or support.


Oliver Schweikard je rođen u Njemačkoj 1970. godine. Po zanimanju vojni stručnjak, programer i novinar. 1992. godine je došao na teritoriju Bosne i Hercegovine kao vojni izvještavač. U tom periodu je ranjen i zarobljen. U zatočeništvu je i naučio bosanski jezik.

Četrnaest mjeseci nakon zatočeništva je uspio pobjeći i pridružiti se Armiji Republike Bosne i Hercegovine. Tokom službe je bio jedan od istaknutijih boraca.

Nažalost, njegove knjige nisu mogle biti objavljene u Njemačkoj zbog prljave kampanije jedne od televizijskih kuća

2012. godine se doselio nazad u Bosnu i Hercegovinu gdje živi kao bivši borac bez ikakvih beneficija i pomoći.


Bosnian songs of war cover image

Bosnian songs of war

Author: Oliver Schweikard
Description: The following one hundred songs were all written between September 17th 1994 and November 9th 1995. At that time I was with the Bosnian Army as a sniper, commando and military advisor. Already as a teen I had started writing poems not only in German but in English as well. My preferred music was Metal, Oi and Punk what mostly was not just due to the music as such but also because of the lyrics which are often explicit.
TermiNation X cover image

TermiNation X

Author: Oliver Schweikard
Description: Kada čitate priče u „TermiNation X“naravno mnogi od vas znaju odmah da su te često ništa drugo nego skraćene verzije nekih od najpopularnijih knjiga vezanih za kataklizme. Isto važi i za čuvene karaktere o kojima su mnogi od vas već čuli nešto u školi, ili ste gledali filmove, serije ili dokumentarne emisije, zbog čega mnogi od tih ljudi o kojima ovdje možete čitati nešto vama sasvim sigurno nisu nepoznati.


ARD Interview (wurde nie gesendet)

Author: Oliver Schweikard
Description: ARD Interview

BOSW Theme

Author: Oliver Schweikard
Description: Promo theme for Bosnian songs of War

Promo sane

Author: Oliver Schweikard
Description: Promotion of Termination X book - Promocija knjige Termination X


Author: Oliver Schweikard
Description: Serbian prop video

TerminationX predstava autora

Author: Oliver Schweikard
Description: Introducing the author of the book TerminationX - Predstavljanje autora knjige TerminationX

TermiNation X promo music

Author: Oliver Schweikard
Description: TermiNation X promo music

TermiNation X virt prompt

Author: Oliver Schweikard
Description: Oliver Schweikard speech


Author: Oliver Schweikard
Description: Zioagitprop video